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Reading Notes: Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Scales, P., Pickering, J., Senior, L., Headley, K., Garner, P. & Boulton, H. (2011)

Alice Walton

What have you learned about reflective practice?

To have a reflective practice is the fundamental starting point to make improvement.

Reflection can create an inspirational workforce. It can transform teachers into lifelong learners. CPD (Chartered Personal Development) is a very ‘Personal’ practice. See it as a journey which you can take to improve your learning.

In 1933, an American educator John Dewey, realised that learning in a ridged form was not reflective with the rapidly developing society.

So use the periods of uncertainty and doubt to learn!


What role can reflection play in the development of your practice in supporting student learning?

It can renew teacher’s beliefs, pushing thoughts on new initiatives, new technology and changes in their subject-specialism.

Reflection in Action- Whilst teaching you realise that something isn’t working, so based on experience, you adapt to take action.

Reflection on Action- After an experience we can reflect why something was less successful. Action can be taken to improve. Reflection can come from discussion with mentors and colleagues.

Reflection from Action- A concept from Donald Schon. Using reflection to plan future lessons. There is no point to reflection if action isn’t placed. This makes a continuous cycle of learning.

EVIDENCE: a theory/ technical gap as you why we teach as we do.

K1 how learners learn, generally and within specific subjects

Transformative Learning- A dilemma or situation can lead us to review our teaching content and us as teachers. It is about making challenges to our assumptions, presumptions and changing our perspective. Taking risks.

Critical Incident Analysis- When something goes wrong we ask ourselves why. Frame the incident as a question.

Collaborative Learning- Create learning circles to provide constructive feedback.

Critical Lense (Brookfield)- 4 lenses to consider :

              -Auto biographers, how we were taught will reflect in our teaching.

              -Students eyes, look at what our students see, then reflect& adapt.

              -Our peers perspective- they can say what we are not seeing.

              -Theoretical perspective – read as it creates a basis for understanding.

Appreciative Enquiry- Instead of looking for gaps and deficiencies look for change, new ideas and approaches. A very positive approach.

Mechanisms for supporting a reflective practice:

-Personal Development Journals (PDJs)

A self dialogue of a critical incident. Showing key themes and the journey of teaching. It also develops a critical approach in dialogue in teaching a development. Reinforcing positive events. Difficult to critique. Visuals to show positives & negatives.

-Online discussion boards

Ganley (2004) stresses that it is difficult to initiate change if you are unwilling to test out different strategies. Discussion boards and blogs offers this opportunity for discussion. It is important to have formal and informal learning. Technology allows us to do this computer supportive collaborative reflection – build knowledge together. This doesn’t suit everyone. Knowledge reproduction to knowledge creation.

-Portfolio of evidence of CPD

To show development and reflective accounts, action plan & targets, Showing evidence of CPD, qulifications, list of confrences attended, development of new resources, researching new developments, use of ICT.

-Learner feedback from lesson observations

Observing yourself. Be aware of your activities. Make adjustments as you go along.

Put this information in your Journal!

-Teaching and learning observations, including personal reflection and evaluation

Part of quality procedures in institutions.

-CPD periodic reviews with mentor. Peer Observation.

Voluntary, group of colleagues giving feedback. Contribute to teamwork. Reinforce feedback. Encourage innovation. Improve confidence, encourage CPD. Foster discussion. Stimulate research. Agreed focus.

-IfL (summary of CPD), with the option for online reflection.

Manager appraisals for performance, set targets in line with organisational aims.


Why is reflective practice important for us as teaching and learning practitioners?

It is important to maintain and improve our teaching  for a practical reason and that is to maintain standards to have a licence to practice

It enables us to take initiative and look at self-efficiency and our own responsibility over a subject.

Learning by doing EVIDENCE in regards to reflection:

Honey and Mumford agreed with this model and expanded further.

There has been since criticism of this model that it wasn’t based on any research.

Another theory ‘Race Ripples on a Pond’


Feedback is an incredibly valuable process. It not only gives us affirmation that we ourselves understand something but it also allows us to find new angles and develop further.

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