Podcast 1 Notes:
Knowing your time is paramount for the session and allows you to add less or more content, also looking at your particular group of students within this context.
Continue to cross check to see if what you are planning is appropriate for time scale and ability.
Aims of session:
Are your aims appropriate?
Only have 2 or 3. Don’t have too many.
Think about the language that you use. Be specific: ‘To understand’ in learning outcomes is very vague. Don’t use vague verbs! What level of understanding do we want the student to have?... memories, describe, discuss, apply, to demonstrate, to use in their own practice?
Session outcomes:
Check if learning outcomes are constructively aligned with learning outcomes of module and curriculum.
A successful plan will allow you to then objectively evaluating the success or your teaching session.
Return to the state of learning outcomes throughout. It gives us clear criteria.
Everything flows from this
Work back from this to see how you can get your students there. ‘Backward Design’
Podcast 2 Notes:
Background of Students:
Who are they? How can we support them?
How can this impact the lesson, engagement?
Number of students, staff/ student ratio? Address implications to design.
Make sure we don’t lose sight of how we can address the needs of learners.
How can we include all students to positively impact all learners?
Assumed prior knowledge:
What do we assume that students will come to the students knowing?
Will prior knowledge be across the group?
Could be a challenging section to complete. This is also helpful if would don’t know the answer. Could you add in an early learning session into the lesson to allow you to find this out? Might be worth cross checking this later on.
Podcast 3 Notes:
How can you address the diverse needs identified in ‘background of students’ ‘prior knowledge’?
Think about learning activities to meet learning needs?
How can they be adapted to support all students?
Visual learners? How do I present information to students?
International students? Record information so students can listen back before, during or after session.
Disabilities? Institutional suggestions? How can I build these into the lesson?
List materials and resources for you and students.
Doing this can remind you of tasks needed to do within lesson.
How can you get around lack of resources?.. If needed?
Podcast 4 Notes:
In Class Formative Assessment:
What can you build into the session to track and recognise the quality of learning while facilitating class?
Can be neglected within lesson planning, but v important.
Could build in little quizzes or tests within the class?
Classroom assessment techniques (CATs) Look a scholarship to get ideas of how to incorporate this into your lesson design.
It enables feedback on students progression.
Gives you reflective information to see successful or unsuccessful points to help redesign lesson for next time.
Podcast 5 Notes:
Content & Lecturer Activity
What we will be doing and when to meet learning outcomes and aims.
The two columns allows you to see a more student centred approach to teaching.
Keep it balanced to make the students more engaged.
Don’t pack in too much content. Look at your limits to maximise deeper learning.
