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Podcast Notes

Alice Walton

Professional Standards Framework 2023
Professional Standards Framework 2023


A1 Curriculum design (Lecture session/ module/ workshop/ whole course) Different elements to create a quality learning experience. Purpose/ Aims/ Learning Outcomes/ Students able to demonstrate/appropriate learning activities/ the best learning environment/ the students backgrounds/ students experience/ diversity within the group/ individual needs/ preferences/ deeper learning/ what type of learning/ cognitive/ critical evaluation? What learning resources do I need to the session in relation to all sessions/ timing/ order of activities/ how do I formatively access? How do the students assess? How my design relate to quality guidelines/ accreditation standards.

A2 Teach and/or support learning through appropriate approaches and environments How I use and manage learning environments, physical and virtual, how this impacts the learners, developing the learning environments. My direct engagement with interaction with students remotely or face to face. Different approaches, lecturer, class room, demos, seminars, tutorials, distance learning, visits to museums/ workplaces, research supervisions, coaching. Changing the way my learners are using the space. Making more use of technology? Changing a virtual environment to be more interactive? Organising workplace environments/ work shadowing?

A3 Assess and feedback for learning Develop and encourage learning, during and on completion, formative, summative, formal, informal, f2f, virtual, how important it is. Imported judgement. How I give guidance. Developing processes and practices to do this. The challenges which comes with this. How appropriate different

A4 support and guide learners  What I do to create successful outcomes with extra guidance apart from the direct teaching. Extra guides, academic writing skills, managing studies as personal tutor, working with teaching staff for students to access the most relevant support for them. Tutoring, counselling, widening access, special additional learning needs, learning guides, making use of library resources, getting students to be more proactive.

A5 enhance practice through own continuing professional development How do I integrate my teaching into my own practice. Books and journals about HE, online resources, peer feedback to develop my teaching, classroom experiments on my teaching, publications I’ve written on teaching, workshops and conferences and seminars on teaching, reading I have done, training workshops.



K1 how learners learn, generally and within specific subjects my levels of knowledge with how learnings learn with different ability. My knowledge of different learners. My learning theories to support student learning, my understanding of why an approach my be most appropriate, How theoretical models might underpin my teaching, how can students learn. Speaking to different to peers, meetings.

K2 approaches to teaching and/or supporting learning, appropriate for subjects and level of study My understand and ability to apply approaches depending on learning task and learner. Why lectures rather than a small group session. Why? Clear rationale as to why I’m doing it. Can I adapt it if challenged?

K3 critical evaluation as a basis for effective practice How I evaluate and critically review my ways of teaching. Identifying strengths and achievements and limitations and areas of improvements in the ways I support student learning. How essential it is to my teaching practice. How often I do this and make adjustments as a result of critical evaluation based on evidence. Peer feedback, staff colleagues, peer observations, external examiners, theory and research.

K4 appropriate use of digital and/or other technologies, and resources for learning My experience of other technologies. Articulate why I am using this for a learning purpose. Learning this impact on learning. How can it be used for different groups of learners, special learning needs.

K5 requirements for quality assurance and enhancement, and their implications for practice We are expected to make ourselves aware of different institutional frameworks and QAA, benchmarks and statement, UK quality code. How are we using these in HE? What impact we are having for our learners?



V1 respect individual learners and diverse groups of learners Adapting my practice to understand and respond to the needs of different learners as best as I can. Diverse group of learners, campus based, work based, distance learners, learning needs, first generation, parents with children, international learners. Ongoing endeavour to support.

V2 promote engagement in learning and equity of opportunity for all to reach their potential Make sure my practice and teaching is as inclusive as possible, preventing barriers in learning. Look at my assessment schedules, designing my curriculum to make it most accessible, extended library opening hours, deadline lengthening.

V3 use scholarship, or research, or professional learning, or other evidence-informed approaches as a basis for effective practice Drawing on different evidence and scholarly informed approaches to use them to inform my teaching. To draw on this evidence from these sources to make judgements to enhance student learning. I’m not doing it because I feel like it is the best way to do something, but because of evidence I have gathered through pedagogical scholarship.

V4 respond to the wider context in which higher education operates, recognising implications for practice Making my self aware for wider issues. Higher education sector, government legislation, disciplinary bodies, student employability agenda, climate change agenda, staff to use approaches to use professional practice approaches. Shifting and changing constantly. How we support students.

V5 collaborate with others to enhance practice How collaboration is positive and enhancing. The others I collaborate will depend on the context. Other colleagues, collaboration external to higher education, employers, professionals, industry, learners to enhance my teaching to see strengths and weaknesses. How I have done it to enhance teaching?

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