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Reflect and Discuss - Week 3

Alice Walton

What needs to be considered and thought through when designing and planning any teaching session, and why?


I tend to split my planning into a checklist which I go through. I cover:

-          The main learning outcomes that I would like the students to leave with after the class. Within this, I ask myself, what are the key aims of the lesson?

-          The lesson’s time frame and within this I break the session into sections which always includes an introduction to the subject, and at the end I give time for reflection to discuss what they have learnt.

-          I ensure there is time for material and tool preparation for students and tidy away time.

-          I consider students abilities and ensure the lesson is inclusive for students with different learning abilities or needs. Within this I think about how I can either simplify tasks or add on extra learning parts for learners who complete tasks quickly.

-          I put together a materials, tools and machinery list and include what is needed in the classroom such as a sink, wooden tables etc.

-          I think about further resources to make the lesson more interactive and accessible for students. This might be visual step by step worksheets, books for inspiration or further reading, a short video, a powerpoint with inspiration and visuals to accompany the subject and samples, test tiles and objects for the students to touch and handle.

-          I currently layout my lesson plans within a table separated by tasks and times.


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