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Week 2 Reflection

Alice Walton

I have found this week’s reading very interesting. In particular (Schӧn (1983, 1987)) theory of ‘Action in Doing’, ‘Action on Doing’, ‘Action from Doing’ and will be one great theory to follow in my reflective practice as a teacher of learning from doing. Also, through reading peer student Clare Gibson’s reflection I learnt about (Driscoll’s (1994)) theory of ‘what’, ‘so what’, ‘now what’ to structure a teaching reflection.

I have learnt that it is valuable to incorporate reflecting into my teaching as a way to continuously evolve and grow as a teacher. It not only benefits my own personal development by striving to theorise my practice, but also benefits my students and institution ensuring that my knowledge is keeping up with new practices in education and the wider subject.

Reflecting can be unconscious, or conscious. It can be personal, peer led, student led, collaborative and self-critical, and should happen regularly. It is important to look at your teaching from a learners perspective.

My view on having reflective practice has definitely change through this weeks activities and reading. It has made me realise how important it is and how valuable the process is to have a reflective journal in order to look back, remind myself and adapt and learn. I want to allow my teaching to develop in order to improve my performance, and let the stage I am currently at just be the starting point and have a ‘growth mindset’ (Dweck (2006))

I feel that the amount I have needed to write this week was a challenge for myself, but I have learnt that by using theories to break down what I am trying to reflect on incredibly helpful. I will take this method forward in my practice. I have been surprised about how I have craved the peer feedback from my colleagues in order to learn and put in practice their points. I have felt a real excitement to develop my practice. This has made me realise that I need the affirmation that I am heading in the right direction with my teaching and that I lack confidence currently as a teaching practitioner.





(Driscoll 1994) theory

Driscoll J (1994) Reflective practice for practice, Senior Nurse 13,47,50 (Adapted from The University of Edinburgh Reflection Toolkit 2024) Accessed 25.01.2025


(Dweck 2006) theory

Scales, P., Pickering, J., Senior, L., Headley, K., Garner, P. & Boulton, H. (2011). Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning SectorLinks to an external site.. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Chapter 3: 'The Reflective Practitioner', pages 33-52 (ebook) (introduction chapter to reflection and reflective practice)


(Schӧn 1983, 1987) theory

Scales, P., Pickering, J., Senior, L., Headley, K., Garner, P. & Boulton, H. (2011). Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning SectorLinks to an external site.. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Chapter 3: 'The Reflective Practitioner', page 36 (ebook) (introduction chapter to reflection and reflective practice)



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